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  • Focused on finding copper, gold, silver and uranium in one of the most environmentally regulated mining jurisdictions in the world. We work closely with the Saskatchewan government and Ministry of Environment to ensure proper site management and reclamation.
  • Copper in particular, is an extremely important element to discover and develop for the future of the planet. In order to reach a carbon neutral energy supply, copper output will need to increase 3% to 6% per year in order to meet demand
  • According to recent research by Bernstein, for every tonne of copper mined and embedded in the global economy, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by an average of 500 tonnes per year
  • Global demand for electricity is set to grow 50% by 2040 and the need for uranium and nuclear energy will play an integral role in meeting this demand

ESG - Figure 1



  • The health and safety of our workers and the public is of the utmost importance to Apogee. Management has a strong safety record that it maintains by using systematic programs to identify and mitigate risk as much as possible. We have a strong emphasis on safety culture which we use to educate all workers and managers throughout all operations the company carries out. We have safety procedures in place at the Pine Channel Project in case of fires, spills, or medical emergencies.

Our Workers & Management

  • We provide our workers a nurturing environment that allows them to become the most skilled and flexible workers possible, while maintaining a stable workforce. We comply with all laws in the jurisdictions where we operate and ensure support, respect, and protection for the human rights of everyone in our organization. We share the values reflected in international proclamations about human rights, such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human rights and the International Labour Organization treaties.

ESG - Figure 2


Responsibility in the Field

  • We have thorough conduct policies in place for all employees and Directors.
  • We follow the rules and best practices outlined in Mineral Exploration Best Management Practices (BMP): Download the Handbook.

Responsibility with Shareholders

  • Apogee as a Canadian public company follows all the rules and protocols outlined by the TMX Group: TSX Venture Exchange Regulatory Policies and Procedures, IIROC, and BCSC. We believe in transparency through up to date company information, proper disclosure and proper dissemination of material news.